Santa's Cause
Developed by Past Grand Knight Tom Kerins and modeled after an organization in Oklahoma set up by his friends Allen and Anita Webb; Santa’s Cause provides in-need children with gifts and support for the family. We use only 3rd party recommendations (Social Workers, School Officials, and other charities) and have a 3-way vetting process in coordination with other charities. In this way no family gets repeated and no family gets left out.
Our goal is simple; to spread as much hope in the Christmas season as possible.
How it happens: After a family is approved we contact the head of the household and review what we do and set up a time to meet. The head of the household then has the children write letters to Santa. Then the magic happens: Santa’s “elves” come to the house and get things going with music, cookies, and hot coco. Then the man himself shows up in a bright red car, goes into the house, gives out the presents and then he is off to the next house!
Who we help: In 2022 we had 5 families. All of the families are in-need, some have dynamic family situations, and there is no requirement that the family be Catholic or Christian.