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Communion Breakfast

Annually the Council hosts a breakfast immediately following the celebration of a Mass & Reconciliation which we refer to as the “Communion Breakfast”. A gathering of communicants following the celebration of the Eucharist at Mass fosters this bond in a special way. Still carrying the precious Body of Christ within, we are uniquely open to the grace and charity of our Savior. In Lumen Gentium, the Vatican II Fathers write, “Really partaking of the body of the Lord in the breaking of the Eucharistic bread, we are taken up into communion with Him and with one another” (LG 7). To socialize at this moment with our brothers and sisters in Christ strengthens and extends this communion.

The communion breakfast, then, is a celebration of the effects of the Holy Communion that we share at Mass. It bears witness to our unity with Christ and with one another, the source of which is the Eucharist. We go forth from Mass to serve the Lord in the people we meet in every aspect of our lives. Similarly, we go out from the communion breakfast with an extra sense of belonging. It is an individual awareness that our joyful, dedicated community of believers is with us as we work to build up the kingdom of God on earth. United in prayer, we struggle and succeed, falter and flourish in the separate situations of our common journey.

2024 Communion Breakfast - March 9th

     8AM - Reconciliation @ St. Camillus Church

     9AM - Mass @ St. Camillus Church

     10AM (after Mass) - Catered Breakfast & Speaker @
     Knights of Columbus Council #109 Hall

2024 Speaker: Rev. George Mangiaracina, O.C.D.

Father George has been a Discalced Carmelite friar since 1988 with the Discalced Carmelites of the Washington Province. He was ordained into the priesthood in 1993. He has earned several undergraduate and graduate degrees including his doctorate degree in Sacred Liturgy from Sant' Anselmo College in Rome, Italy in 2008. He has written several articles on the Sacred Liturgy and has been an adjunct professor at Boston College, where he taught Exploring Catholicism. He was born in Brooklyn, NY. Currently, he is a conventual member of the Monastery of the Espousal of Mary & Joseph in Brighton, MA.


2024 Head Table

Treasurer Lohnes, PGK & FS Kenney, Chancellor Ronayne, Rev. George, PGK Henry (np: Fr. Carmichael, PGK Buckley)

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Previous Events Below!

2023 Speaker: Professor Dwight Duncan

Professor (and brother Knight) Dwight Duncan is a constitutional scholar and has written on legal, moral, and religious issues. A full bio can be found on the UMASS website: Dwight Duncan | UMass Law (

Dwight Duncan

GK Tim Feeney & Chancellor Steven Ronaynne

Introduction of Professor Dwight Duncan.

Tim Feeney & Steven Ronayne

PGK Pat Barrett

Serving the meal.

Pat Barrett Serving Meal

Brothers & Guests

Children are welcome at the Communion Breakfast!

Brothers & Guests

Brothers & Guests

Long time service is also honored at the Communion Breakfast.

Brothers & Guests

Brothers & Guests

Mix, mingle, and have a good time.

Brothers & Guests
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